Packaging + Branding
For this project, I was supplied with a packaging net and tasked with designing a series of three boxes which were limited to two Pantone colours (plus white) per box. I created TIXIF, a futuristic drug company that sells commercially available medication. Whilst the idea of TIXIF is dystopian, it is grounded in reality. The concept of buying pills to make you happy or energetic already exists; although is not entirely legal. I built on this and other (current) fictional concepts like magic to create TIXIF. Like the idea that birthed it, the design for TIXIF is over the top. I used alliterations and tongue-in-cheek phrases to give each box its own character. Doctor Dash can put the pep back in your step; Mister Merry brings you light even on your darkest days, and Lady Luck can grant you a fortune on any occasion. This project helped expand my Illustrator skills as I experimented with warp tools and illustrator effects. Creating my own mockups for the boxes using Photoshop and Adobe Dimension was also challenging.